background by @poiuu on X


  • preferred pronouns: he/him - she/her

  • nicknames: Kani / Ted ( i love nicknames so u can ask for others)

  • birthday: 10 may

  • language(s): english / french

  • BYI:

  • I struggle a lot with social cues, tone indicators can help but not mandatory!

  • i dont do well with "small talk" its draining and repetitive from my many experiences

  • if i make a mistake, please inform/educate me. its sometimes hard for me to know about it and i love to learn

  • basic DNI:

  • if ur racist, ableist, pedophile/"map", lgtbq+ phobic, sexist etc.

  • fetishizing or romanticizing poeples mental struggles, addictions or illnesses

  • (theyr're pretty general - so DNI if u dont know common sense /hj )


  • other info :

  • i have way to many interests and hobbies to fit them all here

  • gaming/ animating/ music-audio / programming/ modeling / video editing / crafting / sewing / crochet-string breacelets / collecting / reading / drawing (i think thats all of them briefly ??? )

  • erm i love learning, i am a nerd